My God what a month. No wonder there have been no posts recently, such rollercoaster would tire even the most mentally staple with ease, I'd say. There have been so many things to get used to and then not to get used to again and swift actions and too much to think about. This vacation really came in need.
You know what, I think I'll just show you some pictures this time and write a little less than usually. Here you go. No recipes today, I'm afraid. Do ask if you'd like to try something out.

When the autumn was still in it's most beautiful bloom. I love the autumn colours.

This is the new Jane Austen dress I got finished some weeks ago. I rather do like it, it's very comfortable although a little cold regardless of the under skirt.

Ever heard of the book "Ainakin miljoona sinistä kissaa"? Well, here's some at least million cat shaped chocolate cookies instead!
These cheesecake brownies. Do forgive me the awful picture, but I just Had to tell you about these because My God they were good. So good in fact that I'm not quite sure if I should bake them ever again without being under supervision.
This tomato pie. Took some half a day to make, but was well worth it.

Last weekend I spent with Sanna's family in Ruka. They are almost like a second family to me. What a delightful trip it was, although I still do miss Sanna herself like no other. I'm so glad she's coming to spend her vacations here next week.

Some time ago I bought myself a new book, Apples for Jam. It's again from Tessa Kiros and I love it and her to bits. The book's Amazing. Today I finally got myself to try some recipes from it. Tessa's recipes have never disappointed me before, nor did they do it this time. I made pan fried chips with rosemary & sage (on the left) and chicken escalopes with tomato & capers and wow. Nom. Can't wait to try out the desserts! Especially now that I've become such a sugar mouse recently.

I hope things will get even a little bit easier in the future. I hope to be in the kitchen soon again, cooking as enthusiastically as ever. I hope to write here more often. I hope to rest both mentally and physically. I hope to sleep more, I hope to get things sorted. I hope to learn from things I've done wrong.
Do stay tuned. The end isn't near yet.