As you may already know, I've moved to the town center with my dear friend Unnamed. Also, that I work in the local movie theater. And that nowadays, we also have two cats. Don't ask me why I haven't told this to you via this blog, dear readers, because the answer is loud and clear: so I could tell you about all this right now! Here's a way too old picture of our livingroom/kitchen.

The cats are adorable, I must tell you. Although in fact they're not exactly our Own cats, but we're loaning them from a very kind friend's very kind sister. We can keep them until we move out or until she misses her cats too much and wants to take them back home. So, let me introduce you, here's Yoda, older one of the cats.

This week we're also catsitting for a friend, so at the moment we have four cats in the apartment. It isn't going so well, because our cats hate these two other cats, but we'll manage. As long as they don't meet and stay in different rooms.
Hm, something food related, then. Risottos are back. I was glad to notice my roomie loves them as well, so I made a surprisingly huge amout of leek and chicken risotto yesterday. And yes, I do still do cook and bake things, but somehow none of them seems exciting enough to tell you about. Also, I feel like I'm always either working or away or busy, which leaves me little time or energy to write. Which reminds me, please do come say hello to Plaza if you happen to be nearby, it always makes my day at least five times better to chat with a friend for a moment. Working in a movie theater is fun, but oh so boring at times. In fact I should get going right now, should be at work in fifteen minutes and I don't even know where my pants are!
Päivitit! <3
En jaksa odottaa että pääsen teille taas. Toivottavasti katit ovat vielä siellä silloin.
No pakko oli, people were getting Mad XD Noei, ihan hauskaahan se on muutenki.
Toivottavasti, olen varma että ne rakastaisivat sua~
Huomasitko että nuo "away" ja "busy" on messengerin tiloja? xD LOL Our cats are so pretty ^^
Unnamed : DDDD
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