A short summary of pretty much all that I've done this summer: work work work, found a more than lovely new person (or in fact she found me, more like), work work work, tried to meet up with friends as much as I could and do other fun things in the little free time I had from work. Here's what I've been up to lately: no more Finnkino, moved out and back to mom's, applying to a new wonderful job, making new plans, still spending time with this aforementioned lovely new person. At the moment I'm staying at a friend's place, and it has been most fun.
Then something else that's up these days: My god, have you seen the colors outside! Autumn is here and I'm delirious about it. Although not so delirious about wet shoes and socks due to unexpected rain on the way home. But I guess autumn in all its glory must also have something unpleasant to it, like all things usually do.
Anyway, even here in this freezer of a country autumn means apples. Glorious, lovely, delicious apples, that can be picked straight from the tree. I've always dreamed of going fruit-picking, but never got the chance to really do so. But luckily that was not the case this year! Some days ago a friend of mine invited me to pick apples from their apple tree, as they have more than enough. Alas, not even a week has passed and almost all of the apples I brought home have already been eaten. But they were too good Not to be eaten for breakfast, lunch And dinner!

Yesterday, Oulu had a rare treat. I was grocery shopping like usual, and then, suddenly, Don Rosa, the famous comic book artist and illustrator, walked past me. Don Rosa, can you imagine! The thing is, you see, he came to visit our small town to autograph his new comic book, Escape from the forbidden valley. Of course I had to go and see, like a few others had decided to do as well: the line was twice around the third floor of Stockmann and I doubt they all got to see Don Rosa before the store closed. Although someone told me Rosa had promised that he wouldn't leave until everyone in the line had gotten an autograph, which I thought was super sweet of him.
I myself didn't have the book, though, but at least I got a photo of him. Just look at him, sitting there. He greeted every fan, one at a time, with a warm smile and made their day or maybe even their week, just by being there and signing some books. I wish that someday, for some reason, I could be something so great that people would line up to get my autograph on something. Not because of being famous, not even because of being a celebrity, but because of seeing how happy it would make them to get that autograph. To make someone's day. I know it would make mine.
That was very sweet. I wish I could have given you an autograph and everyone else who wanted one). Yes... it feels VERY nice to be able to make so many people so happy with so little effort.
Don Rosa (believe it or not. Trust me.)
Hoip, ehtisitkö tässä joku päivä kävästä koneella juttelemassa? Ois vähän ikävä, haluaisin kuulla mitä sulle kuuluu.
..Wait, what? Don Rosa? For real?
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