Thursday, November 10

Day 100!

Here's a little video I made just for the occasion. Be gentle, I've never made or edited a video like this before, so it might be a little rough. Also forgive me the poor poor quality of this video, my camera is still just a poor little camera that's trying it's best. That said, enjoy!

Lavender Bread - 100th breakfast from Maaret Lyytinen on Vimeo.

Ps. Sorry for such a late upload (at least for the finns), I had a exceptionally hard time uploading.


Satu said...

Jeeeeee ja hyvää sadatta aamupalaa? :D video on supersulonen ja aamupalakateus painaa päälle ku miettii mitä on syöny viimeviikon: puuroa, puuroa, puuroa ja hilloa, puuroa ja näkkileipää...

Drieth said...

THAT TOASTER. me heartattacks each time I happen to sit next to it. Möö D:

Happy 100th Breakfast! <3

Anonymous said...

AAAAAAAAAA järjetön ikävä sua <3 <3 <3 ja teidän keittiötä!!!

Your toaster oven

Laura said...

jee super!! lovely video :)