Sorry about the crappy quality, my poor camera doesn't know how to cope with darkness. Hope this brings you joy in any case!
Sunday, December 25
Happy Holidays!
Sorry about the crappy quality, my poor camera doesn't know how to cope with darkness. Hope this brings you joy in any case!
Thursday, December 15
Day 134
Day 131
Saturday, December 10
Day 128

A persimon, yogurt with pistachios, macadamia nuts and apricots, sunflower seed bread (sorry, there was still some left after all) with coconut oil and cheese.
I have a feeling that one breakfast went missing, but I have no idea which one and where, and the numbers still match, so it can't be. Oh well.
Time for a quick what's hot and what's not! You know you like it.
What's hot:
- Snow! Haha, I know, snow is cold. But in any case we have it and it rocks!
- Winter. Christmas mood. Gingerbread people/cats/giraffes/butterflies. Planning and buying christmas presents for others. Christmas stuff, you know. It's only two weeks to christmas and it's all so soon and sudden! Go out there! Enjoy christmas things while you still can! You still there by your computer? Don't be! Shoo! Or at least put some christmassy music on.
- Persimons. They rock rock rock my world. Even more so with the fact that they're only available at this time of year.
- My job.
- Christmas. Again. Because it deserves to be mentioned twice, that's just how awesome christmas is.
- Still, my girlfriend. Love you, baby!
- That all my friends are coming to visit their parents here at Oulu over the holidays and I get to see you guys! It's awesome!
- My blonde hair. Sorry, but it just is.
- My Manuka honey jar is almost empty and the website I order it from ate my discount code when I tried to order more! Damn you!
- The minute I turn my back for a day or two, Care2 is flooding my email with interesting news around the world and I don't have the time to read them! Agh! Damn you, Care2, for being so interesting but having a pace impossible to follow.
- Being able to save so little money a month. Might have to get a second job next year. Very thankful for at least this one job I have at the moment, though. oh so thankful.
Have a lovely Sunday tomorrow you all!
Day 126
Day 125
Day 122

Half a honey crunch apple, yogurt with goji berries, some müesli bread with coconut oil, and something I had a really, Really hard time remembering what it was. Damn, I have to start updating more regularly, it's getting easier and easier to forget what the heck was it that I ate a week ago for breakfast regardless of the photos. Anyway, turns out it was a strawberry-kiwi-persimon smoothie.
Day 121

Oatmeal with dried blueberries and cocoa nibs, half a banana, coconut oil and honey, I believe. Also yogurt from this super cute and my new favourite cup I got from work. You know, I wouldn't like to boast, but I just have to tell you that my job just rocks most of the time. Just the other day, some handmade belgian truffles arrived, and so we had some truffles for breakfast. It was a good day.
Day 120

A pear, a tangerine, a slice of sunflower seed bread with coconut oil, yogurt with müesli and honey. I honestly have no recollection of what those big blobs were in my yogurt.
Agh, sorry for my over-a-week-long absence! It sucks, I know. But I'm here now! I was kinda thinking of a christmas calendar sort of thing, something nice for every day, but it kinda just went. And now it's already the 10th, no point in doing a thing like that anymore, now is there. Unless I come up with something really rad.
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