At last I found a reason why Finnish winter with its mind boggling (and freezing) minus degrees is awesome. You don't have to wait half a day for your brownies to cool down, you just pop them to your backyard and they're ready to eat in no time!
This week hasn't been a very good one so far. Although there's no real reason for it, even. I mean there've been some awesome things I ought to be happy about, but it's still been rather rotten, this first week of February. That's one of the reasons to make these super awesome looking brownies. Haven't tasted them yet.
Sigh. We'll see what the rest of the week turns out to be like. Fingers crossed.
EDIT: Well at least these brownies are a killer. <3
Joskus vain vituttaa, eikä sille voi mitään. Pitää vain yrittää elää sen kanssa.
btw, odotan yhä bataattignocchejasi. :I
Jep, toiset päivät vaan on hirveitä. Sellasta on elämä.
Ja minä Tiedän sen, ystävä rakas, mutta en oo tuntenu kovin suurta innostusta kirjottaa niistä ihan nyt juuri sen tuulen takia. Toivottavasti pian, tee sillä aikaa nuita brownieita :D
Brownies <3 onneks saa niitä pian. boggling <3
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